[yes we are sitting on the kitchen floor- we used the timer. abby quite enjoyed this]
[more camera fun]

[the darling abby]
[abby's totally cute hair: a big braid with a cute little side bun! so adorable.
I think ange will be a hairdresser in her next life :)]
[moms beautiful easter set up]

[the easter tulips I gave to my parents: the lady wrapped them so nicely while
we had a conversation about the canucks]
speaking of the canucks.. seriously!? I'm so sad for them. hope they can pull through in game 7. hope everyone had a great easter! we had a beautiful spread of food including croissant baked french toast, fresh fruit, homemade dessert tarts and easter treats! a great morning. I also loved hunting for my little goodies that my mom hid(I'm a child at heart)
UPDATE MORGIE: they woooooooooooooooooon! haha oh yeah. you were here. i miss you already. xox.