this sunday started just splendid. we had D's fam over for morning coffee and muffins- I am scrambling to see everyone before I leave for 6 weeks. we enjoyed a really nice visit with G & B, meg, tye and rhys. gotta love these cuties..
I baked dark chocolate blueberry muffins which turned out okay.. I think I over mixed the batter so they weren't as light and fluffy as they usually are. still a highly recommended recipe- I snagged it from
how sweet it is. whenever I make muffins including some sort of fruit, I always add a little extra to the top of each muffin before baking. gives it a nice touch! in this case, I placed an extra few blueberries on top of each muffin before I popped them in the oven(and maybe a little extra chocolate too..)
following our coffee company and a few sunday errands I headed downtown to hang out with ange, darc and
abby. the dragonboat festivities were going on and it was seriously hoppin' down at the waterfront. I think I would love to join a dragonboat team some day.. it looks like fun!
after such a nice afternoon I was starting to stress about my crazy long to-do list I have to complete before I leave.. I really just want to spend my time with my friends and family before I go but there is so much to do! I am overwhelmed with everything I have to get done- between getting organized for my course in bamfield, getting organized for my fall semester at school and trying to find a job for the fall when I'm in school. needless to say, I was a bit of a basket case(temporarily). I was trying to be productive by filling out my passport forms(another thing on my list) which turned into more work because I filled something out wrong and had to print out another copy and start all over! sigh..
D knew I was stressing out so he brought home a delicious chocolate treat.. YUM!
yes.. that is chocolate cake, chocolate pudding and whip cream in layers with cream puffs and chocolate drizzle on top. OH MY! this was delicious.. and thank goodness he was prepared with chocolate because my evening was a frustrating one!
I tried to let my worries go in regards to my long to do list and just enjoy my evening with D. BUT we were sitting down to our sunday night dinner and I knocked over my glass which spilt over the entire table, on my laptop and my iPod that I was updating. I almost lost it. and then, oh it gets better, I leave my warm dinner to clean up the sticky mess and just as I finish cleaning table, chair and floor I put the cloth down.. and knock it over AGAIN! wow.. I guess I need to work on my motor skills or something. I cried a little.. obviously. then got it together and ate my dinner only because I wanted some chocolate. D offered to duck tape my hand to my glass after that second spill. oh well, such is life!
all in all, a wonderful weekend and another busy week ahead!