Wednesday, January 4, 2012

12 in 2012. in the kitchen edition.

here are 12 things I would like to attempt to make this year that I have never tried before:

*homemade flour/corn tortillas
*coconut cream pie
*pumpkin cheesecake
*cinnamon buns
*homemade pretzels
*black bean burgers
*red velvet cupcakes
*homemade oreos
*thai red curry w/ tofu
*croissants (eek!)

I'm going to channel my inner julia child and get down to it this year.  I know that as soon as I try some of these new things they will be a lot easier than I thought and I will be able to expand my cooking horizons even further.  no more boring meals!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! My mom and i are trying to challenge ourselves to new recips this crust is one of my goals! great post friend!
