Thursday, August 18, 2011

the simple things.

sometimes I find myself super overwhelmed with all that is going out here in regards to school. our schedules are so busy and I don't have much "free" time so to speak.  the free time that I do have is precious but since that is far and few between I have to look forward to the little things that put a smile on my face and make all this hard work worth it!

-summer mix playlist that I can't get enough of.  one of my lovely friends out here introduced it to me and I am hooked.  I most often listen to it while I get my yoga on.
-mail-seriously!! I was the happiest camper when I got a card, letter, picture or care package.  the mail comes in on tues/thurs/sat and all of us anxiously await the arrival of the mail on the boat.  I also love when some of my friends receive tons of chocolate and share it with me :)
-hugs from my classmates- we all go through days where we really miss our families and friends.  getting a good squeeze from one of my close friends out here seems to help.
-enjoy a nice thermos of hot chocolate with my biology nerds looking over this view...

the great tide pool- site of our latest snorkelling excursion.

-a beautiful sunrise(one bonus of being an intertidal biologist- but no more 5.00 am mornings for this girl, yahoo!)

enjoy the simple things in life.


  1. Hi Sweet glad you have your buddies to see you through. M xx00

  2. great gratitude post...i loved it. i am grateful for that second picture as i stole it for my wallpaper at work ;) hahaha! miss u! xox

  3. Hi Sweetheart....Auntie Donna sent you a comment but it didn't come through. She wanted you to know she tried. M
