hope everyone had a lovely weekend.
mine was nice and relaxing- derek and I tried this awesome new frozen yogurt place. it is all self serve- you choose the flavour(s) you want and then add all the toppings and pay by weight. I have been looking forward to trying it forever after hearing really good reviews. it was fantastic! it was a nice date after D was in vic all weekend.
so far my university remains on strike and class are cancelled day after day.. I found out my favourite teacher has been laid off so I was pretty upset about that. I sent a friendly(ish) email to the president of VIU voicing my concerns.
since the majority of my time is normally devoted to my studies and I am really missing the routine and structure of my schedule I have developed a little to do list for my week.
* find a local farm near my house that I can buy farm fresh eggs
*clean and vacuum my car
*clean out my closet
*make some of
these and also make a pie! (I have a crust frozen that I made previously)
*yoga everyday
*also- a few school related things. finish my media analysis on aquaculture and one of my lab reports.
here are a few feel good things I read in a martha stewart magazine this afternoon:
*get busy (I think this is why I'm feeling in a bit of a funk during this period of no school) I miss my busy schedule
*reach out for better posture
*schedule more "me" time
*fit in fitness
ps. I heard about a possible job opportunity today for the summer. keep your fingers crossed!