Wednesday, May 30, 2012

here and there.

coolest dad ever.

love tulip season.

and so the vanilla latte addiction continues.

flowers and candles.
playing around with my new camera.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012


emma's happy place.

an afternoon stroll on the beach with a iced coffee and a rad dog. followed by a delicious summer meal on the patio and a whole evening of wedding planning for sweet brooke's big day- stayed up late gabbing and got up to make breakfast and enjoy a cup of tea with the ladies.  girls weekends are precious- we missed you, anthem.

Friday, May 25, 2012

hard at work. part 2

octopus friend

goose islands fun.

view of the ricker from the zodiac

one huge sculpin- we let him go and he swam away- happy day

Thursday, May 24, 2012

hard at work. part 1

sorting my sub-sample

wet lab fun.

deck crew dealing with the tree we caught in the net

entering my length data for the pink shrimp in the dry lab.

all photos taken by my bunk-mate heather :)